Conditions générales de vente

Conditions générales de vente Top Motors

I. Dispositions générales relatives aux parties II et III

1.1. Définitions :

La société telle que mentionnée au recto du bon de commande/bon de commande, facture, ou cette société, appartenant à Top Motors, avec laquelle le client a conclu un contrat. Chacune des sociétés appartenant à Top Motors applique les mêmes conditions générales. Top Motors comprend (de manière non exhaustive) Top Motors Wevelgem (BE 0665.611.426), Top Motors Roeselare (BE 0412.798.544), Garage Carrosserie Vanhoonacker NV (BE 0426.079.131), Vergotte Garage Karrosserie (BE 0407.820.365), Vanderhaeghen NV (BE 0439.660.319). Ci-après dénommée "Top Motors".

Client = toute entreprise professionnelle ou tout consommateur au sens du RME qui conclut un contrat avec Top Motors. Ci-après "client-consommateur" lorsqu'il s'agit uniquement de la relation avec un consommateur et "client-entreprise" lorsqu'il s'agit de la relation avec une entreprise professionnelle.

1.2. Accord :

Dans les rapports avec le client-entreprise, Top Motors a le droit de prouver par tous les moyens de droit l'existence des objets quelle que soit leur valeur.

Dans la relation client-consommateur, les deux parties sont habilitées à apporter la preuve de l'existence de la convention et des obligations qui en découlent par tous les moyens de droit, sans être liées par les dispositions non obligatoires en matière de preuve contenues dans les articles 1317 à 1369 du Code civil.

Tout bon de commande signé par le client l'engage irrévocablement, sauf exceptions prévues par la loi.

Toute personne agissant en qualité de représentant du client est solidairement responsable de l'exécution des obligations de la personne au nom de laquelle elle agit.

1.3. Livraison :

Sauf convention écrite contraire, la livraison a lieu dans les locaux de Top Motors à la date indiquée sur le bon de commande.

Tout client invité à retirer son véhicule doit le faire à la date indiquée ou, si aucune date n'est indiquée, dans les cinq jours ouvrables suivant la demande de Top Motors. Passé ce délai, le client sera immédiatement et de plein droit redevable d'une indemnité de stand de 10 € TTC par jour.

Les livraisons, même en port payé, se font aux risques et périls du destinataire.

Top Motors a toujours le droit de suspendre la livraison du véhicule jusqu'à ce que toutes les dettes en cours aient été payées par le client ou par la compagnie d'assurance intervenante. Le retard dans la livraison en vertu de cette rétention n'affecte en rien le droit de Top Motors à la retenue d'argent conformément au paragraphe précédent.

Sauf mention particulière sur le bon de livraison, le client est réputé avoir reçu un véhicule en parfait état et muni des documents et instructions d'utilisation nécessaires.

1.4. Utilisation et conservation des véhicules :

Si le client acquiert le droit d'utilisation d'un véhicule auprès de Top Motors, il prend l'engagement triple résultat de maintenir ce véhicule en parfait état après en avoir pris livraison et de le restituer en parfait état, impeccable et propre entre les mains de Top Motors dans le délai convenu. Le droit d'utilisation est limité à un usage normal en Belgique par le client. L'entretien et le nettoyage sont à la charge du client.

Lorsque le client met un véhicule à la disposition de Top Motors, il ne peut jamais y avoir de contrat de rétention, à moins qu'il n'en ait été expressément convenu autrement par écrit. La rétention n'est donc jamais présumée : elle doit être expressément stipulée par écrit par les parties. Top Motors ne s'engage qu'à l'égard des moyens qu'elle utilise ou des efforts qu'elle déploie. La simple rétention de véhicules en vue d'un travail à façon, d'une vente, etc. ne constitue pas une obligation de rétention pour Top Motors.

Les véhicules confiés à Top Motors, même s'ils sont conduits par son personnel, restent couverts par les assurances souscrites par le client et, à défaut d'assurance, sous l'entière responsabilité du client.

1.5 Conditions de paiement :

Toutes les factures de Top Motors sont payables à son siège social et au plus tard à la date d'échéance. Le montant de nos factures est payable au comptant, sauf accord écrit contraire. Elles ne peuvent en aucun cas être payées de gré à gré à un membre du personnel, sauf accord écrit préalable de la Direction.

En cas de retard de paiement, le client est redevable, sans préjudice des autres dispositions des présentes conditions générales, de plein droit et sans mise en demeure, d'un intérêt de retard au taux de 12 % l'an à compter de la date de paiement convenue jusqu'à la date de paiement intégral, majoré d'une indemnité forfaitaire égale à 10 % du montant de la facture, avec un minimum de 100,00 EUR, sans compter les éventuels frais de justice.

Le non-paiement d'une facture à son échéance entraîne l'exigibilité immédiate de tous les autres montants dus, même s'ils ne sont pas encore exigibles et/ou facturés.

Lors du paiement, le client ne peut en aucun cas retenir un montant quelconque à titre de garantie ou d'escompte pour paiement comptant. Une telle retenue est considérée comme un retard de paiement.

Top Motors peut suspendre ses travaux si le client-entreprise ne respecte pas ses obligations de paiement (et autres).

Les réclamations n'entraînent pas la suspension des obligations de paiement de l'entreprise-cliente.

Top Motors a toujours le droit de demander des acomptes et/ou de facturer à intervalles réguliers en fonction de l'avancement des travaux ou de la nécessité de le faire en cas de vente.

Si Top Motors est obligée de payer une indemnité ou un remboursement, elle peut, à l'égard du client-entreprise, être tenue au maximum de payer les intérêts légaux à partir de l'expiration du même délai de paiement que celui accordé au client après la date d'échéance du montant remboursé (dans le cas de Top Motors, ceci exclut les intérêts cf. art. 5 de la loi 02/08/2002). A l'égard d'un client-consommateur, les mêmes intérêts et indemnités de frais sont dus que par ce client à Top Motors en cas de non-paiement, à partir du moment où le montant dû est définitivement établi et après le même délai de paiement que celui accordé au client-consommateur.

En l'absence de contestation dans les 10 jours de la réception de la facture, le client-société a la présomption irréfragable que la livraison a eu lieu à temps et qu'elle était conforme à la commande. Pour le client-consommateur, il s'agit d'une présomption réfutable.

1.6. Responsabilité - Défauts de garantie :

Sans préjudice des dispositions légales impératives, la responsabilité de Top Motors est limitée à un montant égal au prix convenu.

Sans préjudice des garanties conventionnelles accordées par le fabricant et de sa responsabilité du fait des produits, Top Motors n'est responsable des vices cachés et des défauts de conformité qu'à l'égard du client-consommateur. Top Motors n'est pas tenu à une indemnisation vis-à-vis des professionnels.

Les vices apparents sont, dans tous les cas et sauf contestation, réputés acceptés au moment de la livraison.

Le client-consommateur doit notifier à Top Motors un vice caché (art. 1641 du Code civil) ou un défaut de conformité (art. 1649bis et suivants du Code civil) par lettre recommandée au plus tard 10 jours ouvrables après l'avoir découvert ou le moment où il est raisonnablement censé l'avoir découvert, à moins qu'un délai plus long ne soit expressément autorisé par la loi. Ceci sous peine de déchéance de tous les droits, au moins sous peine de rejet de la responsabilité.

Si aucun autre accord n'est conclu, toute action en justice est en tout état de cause caduque si le client n'intente pas d'action en justice dans un délai de dix jours ouvrables après qu'il a été établi qu'aucun règlement à l'amiable n'est possible entre les parties. Ceci à moins que la loi ne prévoie un délai plus long.

Ne sont pas considérés comme des défauts visibles ou cachés et ne donnent pas lieu à réparation et/ou indemnisation ou à des travaux supplémentaires : les légères différences de couleur et/ou de texture ; la décoloration des matériaux, du bois et/ou de la peinture ; la contamination/la rouille résultant de circonstances extérieures (y compris l'utilisation) ; le tassement des matériaux, etc.

Si Top Motors est néanmoins tenu d'indemniser, pour quelque raison que ce soit, les défauts qui invalident l'achat, cela signifie en premier lieu que Top Motors réparera les défauts dans les plus brefs délais et gratuitement. Top Motors peut toutefois, à sa discrétion, offrir au client une compensation appropriée de sorte qu'aucune réparation ne soit nécessaire.

1.7 Force Majeure:

Top Motors shall not be liable for any loss or damage resulting from force majeure, nor shall any warranty be provided in case of force majeure. In case of the destruction of the object of the agreement after the agreement has been concluded, the customer bears the risk.

Force majeure here means "any event or circumstance as a result of which a party cannot perform its obligations under the underlying agreement (or can only do so at substantially higher costs), insofar as this event or circumstance was not foreseeable at the time of the signing of this agreement, was not caused by the party invoking it and insofar as it is the result of one or more of the events or circumstances listed below: war, fire, accident, strike/occupations/lock-outs, weather conditions, delay in supply of raw materials/materials/ ..., unavailability of utilities, misstatement of measurements/measurements, delays on the part of third parties ... in the widest sense of the word and this on the part of its or its suppliers/subcontractors.

In case of temporary force majeure, the obligations of the party affected by force majeure shall be suspended as long as the force majeure lasts and plus a start-up period of 5 working days.

The affected party shall as soon as possible from the date it becomes aware or should reasonably have become aware of the force majeure notify the other party explicitly and in writing via fax or e-mail with acknowledgement of receipt of the following: the circumstance constituting force majeure, the date on which the force majeure occurred, the notification that the obligations under the underlying agreement cannot be performed as a result of that force majeure and if it is only a case of force majeure delay, the approximate duration of the delay and, if applicable, the measures and additional costs that will be entailed by that delay.

The other party shall reply to this notification within 15 working days, failing which it shall be deemed to have accepted the circumstance as force majeure.

The affected party must also submit all useful evidence as soon as possible, but no later than 10 working days after notification to the other party, in order to allow the other party to determine whether the circumstance cited constitutes force majeure. In case of dispute, an independent expert will be appointed. The cost of this will be divided in half.

In any event, both parties shall take all reasonable measures in good faith to limit the damage caused by the force majeure as far as possible, without the affected party being obliged to make up or pay for any delays caused by the force majeure.

If the force majeure continues and the suspension of performance by the affected party lasts longer than 30 working days, each party shall be entitled to terminate the agreement with immediate effect and without any liability or right to compensation as of its written notice thereof to the other party. In such case, the performances delivered and costs incurred will always be charged. In this case, the parties may also always opt to renegotiate the contract taking into account the aggravating circumstances and the case of force majeure.

If the manufacturer were to abandon the production of the ordered vehicle, the sale would be cancelled by operation of law, which the parties would regard as mutually inculpable force majeure and can never give rise to a mutual right to compensation.

1.8 Unilateral termination of the agreement:

If the customer unilaterally terminates the contract of contracting or sale (in whatever manner and in the absence of force majeure), the customer shall be obliged to pay all performances already delivered and costs incurred and a lump-sum cancellation fee equal to 15% of the total price including VAT.

If no fixed price was agreed upon, the customer shall be liable to pay for all services already delivered and costs incurred and a lump-sum breakage fee equal to 15% of the balance of the estimated total cost for the balance.

The foregoing applies unless Top Motors can prove a higher actual damage and unless the Law imperatively provides otherwise.

1.9 Retention of title - Express cancellation clause - Default:

The delivered goods remain the property of Top Motors until full payment of the price, including the principal sum including VAT, interest and costs. However, the risk relating to the sold vehicle is transferred to the customer as soon as the contract is concluded.

In the event of late payment, non-payment or if the customer fails to pick up the delivery within the agreed period, Top Motors may take back the delivered goods at any time and dissolve the contract by registered letter within 15 days of the due date of payment, without notice and without prior recourse to the courts. In this case, compensation equal to 15% of the agreed price will be due, but with the understanding that a higher compensation will be due if Top Motors can prove a higher actual damage.

Equal compensation as referred to in the second paragraph of this article shall be payable by Top Motors if the agreement is rescinded on the grounds of its acknowledged default, but only in relation to the customer-consumer.

1.10 Lien:

In its relationship with the customer-company, Top Motors shall have a lien on all of the customer's goods located in Top Motors' warehouses and workshops and this for all claims against Top Motors, including those claims which would not relate to these goods. The customer expressly accepts the interdependence of all contractual performances for which Top Motors is called upon.

1.11 Personal data:

Top Motors assures you of the confidential processing of the data you transmit to it. This is in line with what is stipulated in the General Data Protection Regulation (also known as GDPR) of April 27, 2016. For more information in this regard, Top Motors would like to refer to its privacy statement, found here. The sa D'Ieteren SA, Rue du Mail 50, 1050 Brussels, acts as controller of the processing.

1.12 Applicability of general terms and conditions:

In case of conflict between Top Motors' general terms and conditions and those of the customer, Top Motors' general terms and conditions shall prevail over the customer's general terms and conditions, even in the absence of express protest by Top Motors and except when they are expressly accepted by Top Motors. Top Motors' silence may in no case be interpreted as acceptance of the general terms and conditions.

The general conditions appearing on the back of our order forms for new vehicles destined for an end customer take precedence over these general conditions for the matters they cover.

The fact that Top Motors does not apply one or another clause stipulated in its favor in the present general conditions may not be interpreted as a waiver on its part to invoke it.

1.13 Validity:

The provisions of these general terms and conditions shall always be interpreted as complying with the applicable laws. The law of public order and mandatory law shall always prevail in case of conflict. Where applicable, however, the validity of these provisions shall not be affected with respect to persons not protected by these provisions.

The possible nullity of one or more provisions of these general terms and conditions may in no case result in the nullity of the entire agreement. The other provisions remain fully applicable.

1.14 Notification:

Notices/orders/complaints in accordance with the present general terms and conditions must always be given in advance and in writing, but are otherwise free of form provided that proof of receipt can always be submitted (e-mail with acknowledgement of receipt or reading confirmation, registered mail with acknowledgement of receipt, fax, etc.). Unless otherwise stipulated in the present terms and conditions, complaints must be made within 10 days of the performance/service/invoice to which the complaint relates, on pain of forfeiture, unless the law allows a longer period.

1.15 Applicable law - competent court:

Any transaction with Top Motors is governed by Belgian law. The courts of the judicial district of Bruges shall have sole jurisdiction to hear any claim, even incidental or related, based on this contract.

1.16 Competent supervisory authority:

FPS Economy, General Directorate of Economic Inspection -NG III, Avenue Albert II 16 (3rd floor), 1000 Brussels

1.17 We are not liable for any errors (price, options, ...) in the publications.

II. Special provisions for the sale of vehicles

2.1 Financing:

If the purchase of a vehicle is concluded under the condition that the customer obtains financing from a financial institution, this condition will only be considered unfulfilled if the customer provides written proof that at least three major lenders have refused him financing at their normal market conditions during the two months from the conclusion of the contract for reasons that were not reasonably foreseeable at the time of the conclusion of the contract. If such financing is refused by these credit institutions, the buyer shall notify the seller without delay. Moreover, written proof of these refusals to finance must be sent by registered letter to the seller within two months of signing the order form. In this case, any advance paid shall be immediately reimbursed to the buyer within 14 days of receipt of a registered letter sent in accordance with the above-mentioned annexes.

Failing this, the seller may claim compensation from the buyer-consumer limited to 15% of the total sales price of the vehicle. If necessary, the financing is done in accordance with Book VII Title 4 of the Economic Law Code, and in particular its Article VII.83 WER regarding the customer-consumer's option to withdraw from the contract. This applies only to the customer-consumer. If the financing is done by the seller or through the intermediary of the seller, this will be mentioned on the front of the order form/contract.

2.2 Payment:

The prices, exclusive of taxes, agreed with the customer and stated on the order form are fixed and final. The price of the legally required accessories fitted in a durable manner is considered included in the announced price. Without prejudice to the legal provisions on purchase with financing, the seller cannot demand from the customer-consumer payment of an advance exceeding 15% of the total sale price of the vehicle. Full payment, or the balance after payment of a deposit, shall be made in cash at the time of delivery, unless expressly agreed otherwise. Failing this, an interest compensation in the sense of article 1.5 of the present agreement shall be due on the sum due by right and without notice. Without prejudice to the last paragraph of article 3, the vehicle remains the property of the seller until full payment of the price. In addition, if payment has not been made within 10 calendar days of sending a registered letter, the seller may cancel the sale by registered letter addressed to the buyer. In this case, without prejudice to the interests mentioned above, the buyer shall owe the seller compensation corresponding to the damage actually incurred, but limited to 15% of the total sales price of the vehicle.

2.3 Delivery:

The order form will indicate the appropriate delivery date or term, which is of strict application, except in cases of force majeure. The delivery period shall begin on the day following that of the signing of the order form by the buyer. If Top Motors cannot meet this delivery date or deadline, it shall inform the customer by registered letter or by any other legal means of proof. In this it may announce an extension, which may not, however, exceed 25% of the initially agreed deadline. If this new deadline is exceeded, except in the case of force majeure, the buyer may cancel the agreement by registered letter without prior notice, without prejudice to the buyer's right to cancel the agreement unilaterally under the conditions set out in article 1.8 of these invoice conditions.

Without prejudice to the provisions of article 1.3 and in the event that the buyer is unable or unwilling to take delivery of the vehicle on the agreed delivery date or in the event that the buyer is unable or unwilling to take delivery of the vehicle on the agreed delivery date or in the event that the buyer is unable or unwilling to take delivery of the vehicle on the agreed delivery date or in the event that the buyer is unable or unwilling to take delivery of the vehicle on the agreed delivery date, the seller shall be entitled, after expiry of 10 calendar days from the date of sending of a formal notice by registered letter, unless the buyer proves that the failure to take delivery of the vehicle is due to force majeure, to cancel the sale at the buyer's expense and to claim compensation corresponding to the damage actually incurred, however limited to 15% of the total sales price of the vehicle. If no cancellation with compensation is opted for, the purchaser shall bear all risks relating to the vehicle in any event as of 10 days following the sending of the registered letter demanding effective delivery.

2.4 Manufacturing Process:

The purchaser acknowledges to be informed about and accepts the evolution process regarding production, techniques, technology and design in the automotive sector, in the sense that some details may differ from the model ordered. However, these may in no way affect the specific characteristics and/or the particular use intended by the buyer as stated on the front of the order form.

2.5 Conventional warranty conditions:

The modalities of the manufacturer's conventional warranty are listed in the warranty conditions document: the buyer acknowledges having received a copy of it and accepting these conditions. The manufacturer's conventional warranty runs for 2 years. It commences on the day of delivery of the vehicle/repair to the purchaser and is subject to strict conditions which the customer acknowledges to follow in order to benefit from the warranty. Repairs, if any, and performance of the warranty may be obtained from the vendor and/or any authorized repairer of the make based in the EU.

2.6 Price Adjustment:

In case of sale of a vehicle, Top Motors reserves the right to adjust the agreed price proportionally with its supplier's price adjustments.

2.7 Vehicle Acquisition:

If, in the context of a sale of a vehicle to the customer, Top Motors undertakes to take over the customer's old vehicle, this undertaking shall be subject to the condition precedent that the purchase of the new vehicle by the customer is validly concluded, that this vehicle is the property of the customer and that all of the customer's commitments regarding any financing have been fulfilled. The acquisition price of this used vehicle can only be guaranteed to the extent that the condition of the vehicle, with the exception of some non-essential details, is the same as stated on the vehicle description document attached to the order form.

III. Special provisions for repairs and sale of parts.

3.1 Representation:

The customer that leaves his vehicle with Top Motors for the preparation of specifications after an accident, gives Top Motors the right to act in his name and on his behalf and to settle with the experts of the insurance companies.

3.2 Insurer's intervention:

For repairs following an accident covered by insurance, notwithstanding any express undertaking by the insurer, the customer remains personally and at least jointly and severally liable for payment of the invoice.

3.3 Price:

Unless expressly stated, no contract is ever entered into at a fixed price. All performance is offered on a unit price basis.

3.4 Insurance:

The vehicles entrusted to us remain covered by the insurance policies underwritten by the customer, who, in the absence of insurance coverage, bears sole and exclusive liability for this vehicle.

3.5 Parts:

Unless a prior written request is made by the customer, parts that must be replaced due to damage or wear and tear are deemed to have been written off by the customer. They will be disposed of without the customer being able to claim them upon collection of the vehicle.